Saturday, March 30, 2013

Gypsy Pirate Spirit (I am not afraid)

I am not that smart,
nor (indeed) brave.
And my art,
it doth no longer
Who am I trying to save?
I eat stars,
like unripe apples
& nearly choke
on fiery cores /
Am lost, yet found.
Love's biggest fool,
and yet
Love's biggest cause.
A cause hopeful or hopeless,
I will let you, dear reader,
And they say
that a one-eyed man is King
in the Valley of the Blind /
But my heart is like a prison
in which I lie confined.
I'll drink all thee world's oceans
just to find her shore /
My wretched soul
a restless castaway,
doomed to forever

And yet!
And yet,
lest I damn forget!!
I would give it all up,
give it all away,
I hope she'll understand /
For just one moment
in her company,
to one last time
her salt-stained hand.
I am merely
a Gypsy Pirate,
on these decks tonight
more than a little
seasick & homesick
and possessed
by the fullest of full moon /
countless loves
and lovers,
Gone too soon.
But today,
on this Friday Good,
I confess /
I will eat my bodyweight
in chocolate,
no less!!
It is true
that many a fair maiden
got my body & my bed /
But you were
one of the few (my dear)
that got my heart
(but much
 more important than that)
my head.
You left, I stayed.
And I am no longer afraid!
I still do not know
 who I am trying to save /
But I am no longer afraid!!
And much
in the same (yet different) way
that the clouds tonight
hold (briefly)
onto the moon,
I (too)
hold onto memories
of holding the salt-stained
hand of
a lovely mermaid...
Now I finally see / it was only me
 that I was trying to save...
And I will never
 ever (ever)
 be afraid.
 I am
 no longer

(c) Brent M Harpur, 2013.
"Art should comfort the disturbed & disturb the comfortable." (Cesar Cruz)
"All art requires courage." (Anne Tucker)

Monday, March 25, 2013

not many words that rhyme with orange...

I am in Byron.
I have not slept for nearly
twenty-four hours.
I close my eyes,
lie here in early morning sun
and behind closed lids
I see orange.
It warms me, comforts me.
It makes me think of you
at Central station
in your orange dress,
drinking orange juice from a bottle.
I had forgotten
that this
is only the second time
we had met.
Once before,
a year & a half ago
at a conference in Melbourne.
I drew you
and we talked about your Dad,
perhaps one of the best conversations
I have ever had.
when I draw people
I don't do a lot of talking.
I let the other person talk
and give the illusion I am multi-tasking.
But it is quite an effort
to talk (really talk, to engage)
and draw at the same time.
I think we, (however)
might have had a real connection that day...
And now, this second time.
I can remember
every single thing we talked about
during our first meeting,
as if it was only yesterday.
I feel very comfortable
when I talk with you.
This is not
always the case,
when it comes to talking with girls...
WIth you, I am not so shy.
A little braver, perhaps bolder?
I had forgotten
 how gorgeous your smile was.
And I am more than a little
 mesmerised by your accent...
You too, (like me)
are not from this part of the world.
We agree,
this is a very strange place
While we talk,
time does not exist. I do not notice
the thousands of others
bustling around us like ants...
We talk easily about
your sister getting married,
and love. *
And just as
the conversation is starting to get really interesting,
it is time to board my train for Byron...
I wish so, so much
that you could accompany me to the Premiere.
We hug goodbye.
A real hug,
the kind I miss
and don't get enough of in my life.
Is that your soul I can feel
touching mine
as we hold each other?
I close my eyes,
we hold each other so close
and I see orange.
In those arms I feel so safe & warm.
I kiss you on the cheek goodbye.
You blow me a kiss.
I look away for a moment,
and you are gone.
I look down
and see your unfinished orange juice
on the cafe table.
It makes me smile,
and think of your orange dress.
Travel well, Gentle/Strong Aries Soul!!
I will think of you often
and that wonderful smile...
It is true.
There are not many words
that rhyme with orange.
I have so little to offer you.
But maybe I could offer:
A gentle heart,
a genuine smile
and a generous soul.
Would that be enough?
* And love? What of love??
My heart has seen
so much action lately,
and yet I am still
not really sure what love is...
But of one thing
I am sure.
I am ready now.
I am ready...
To love
and to be loved.
...And if the right girl comes along,
    to make beautiful babies!!!
(c) Brent M Harpur, 2013.

"But logic never could convince the heart!!" (Colin Raye)


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

red/blue (bustle busy sky-blue)


Looking out my bathroom window, I see /
The moon caught up in the branches,

By morning,
she'll have broken free.

You (my dear) are caught up
in my heart-branches, too /

But come morning, daylight & birdsong,
I'll be distracted by

bustle, busy sky-blue.

(c) Brent M Harpur, 2013.

"Who's gonna take your place, fill your shoes?
 You never used to look behind you, that isn't what you'd do.
 Didn't leave a thing behind you but the miss you blues."
 (Mark Knopfler, 'Miss You Blues'.)